The Hidden World Government

By (author)Group of Authors


It is a book that discusses the conspiracy theory that claims the existence of secret forces that control global affairs and direct major events from behind the scenes.

The term “the hidden world government” refers to the elite leaders of the “hidden hand”, whose power gives them the authority to monopolize the making of the world’s destiny exclusively, by determining everything that is formulated for them and in their name, politically and economically, without any legitimacy for that hidden hand, except for its power. Then comes the radical contradiction, for without any consideration for democracy, the right of citizenship and human rights, the “hidden hand elite” – with its interests – invades the identity of democracy by excluding citizens from participating in making their present and future, and even accepting what is imposed by the “hidden government”, whose discourse is lined with phrases about human rights, whose rights have been denied and whose freedom has been taken away.

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