Raising Great People Special Boys and Girls


A book that presents methods and ideas for raising children with values ​​and skills that make them distinguished and successful people.





Raising Great People: Special Boys and Girls by Dr. Abdullah Abdul-Moati… There are fathers who pray to God Almighty to grant them a son who will help them in their business or farm. There are mothers who want a daughter who will help them with household chores and take care of their siblings. There are those who want a son (or daughter) who will help them in their religion and afterlife. If you want a son who will help you obey God Almighty, as well as help you in your worldly affairs, then welcome to this book. We give you good news that in its pages we will strive to fulfill your dream and give you the answer to the question that has been on your mind a lot, which is: How can your son (daughter) help you in obeying God Almighty? How can he help you repent and return to God? How can he strive with you to help you in your worldly affairs? This book addresses the wish of many fathers and mothers, which is that Allah Almighty blesses each of us with a righteous son who helps him to obey Allah in his life, and prays for his well-being when we die. This book answers an important question: What is the act of obedience that you need your children’s help with? How do your children enjoy participating with you in these acts of obedience? How do your children help you repent and return to Allah Almighty? We ask Allah that this book will be a help to you in raising a son (daughter) who helps you to obey Allah Almighty, and you will be happy with his company in this world and the hereafter.

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