Envy of children my son do not be enviousO people do not envy my children


They will learn how to protect themselves from people’s eyes, so that the envious person will not harm them if he envies.

It is our duty – as fathers and mothers – to protect our children from envy, and this includes two steps: First: We protect our children from the eyes of people; so that they will not be envied… Second: We strive to eradicate envy from the hearts of our children; so that they will not be envious… In this book you will find many practical ideas that will make our children not envy people for what Allah has given them of His grace, and they will live in a state of contentment and happiness. Then comes the role of practical ideas that protect them from the eyes of people, and there are many of them in this time in which many are free to compete for the fleeting pleasures of this world. This book is a step towards the happiness of our children in this world and the hereafter. When we protect our children from envy, their hearts will be filled with happiness and tranquility, and they will be satisfied with what Allah has allotted for them.

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