The Five Axes of the Holy Quran


This book places before the reader the five main themes or topics around which the Qur’an revolves

The One God (Islam is based on the belief in monotheism)

The universe that indicates its Creator (Throughout your reading of the Qur’an, you will see it linking your observations in the universe and creation to indicate God, the Creator, the Fashioner. Many verses end with: Do you not understand? Perhaps you will reflect. It is a direct address to the mind)

Qur’anic stories (The Qur’an stopped at some stories and mentioned them in detail, such as the story of our master Joseph, or in successive versions, such as the struggle of our master Moses with the Jews, and in each there is wisdom)

Resurrection and recompense (It is one of the pillars of faith and in it there is contemplation and it is a forgotten act of worship.. Our Lord, You did not create this in vain, glory be to You)

Education and legislation (It revolves around what God Almighty loves and what He does not love of attributes and actions)

These are the main topics and the discussion branches out under each main topic, so the book is not a detailed explanation of the Qur’an, but rather it deals with the broad outlines around which the Great Qur’an revolves

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