The Sunnah of the Prophet between the scholars of jurisprudence and the scholars of hadith


Muhammad al-Ghazali attacks extremists and their opinions, which they built on individual hadiths (narrated by one person without a strong chain of transmission), and he sees this as extremism, extremism, and a restriction on the breadth of religion.

The book as a whole deals with a number of Islamic jurisprudential issues and presents them for discussion through his being a “jurist” and launches a strong attack on the “Ahl al-Hadith” approach to religion and its rulings away from the Qur’an and its contemplation. You can consider the book a confrontation between Muhammad al-Ghazali and Abu Ishaq al-Huwayni! This is how you can present the differences between Muhammad al-Ghazali and the “extremists” of the Ahl al-Hadith, as he says.

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