Mint tea


It is a collection of articles that deal with various topics in a sarcastic and humorous style, with glimpses of contemplation Personal.

Of course, the reader expects me to talk about some mysterious phenomena such as Lord Flann’s castle in Scotland, where the ghost of the countess walks after midnight, so who is there? Or the mysterious drawings that the scientist so-and-so found on top of a mountain in Tibet, confirming that hamburgers were known a million years ago to another civilization… etc.
They call this seemingly empty talk Fortean
And there are tons of it anyway, and it is strange that I am not very comfortable with it. I accept that this talk is in the context of a story where imagination is the name of the game
But I completely refuse to be in the form of information. In other words, I am happy to write an entertaining story about vampires, but I refuse to write an article about vampires and how to kill them and how to distinguish them from others
Leave the countess who eats ears then and let’s talk about something else today at least. Just come and make us a cup of mint tea to sweeten the conversation

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