Ahmed Owaidi Al-Harthi Al-Abbadi is a Jordanian politician, researcher, writer, translator, historian, and tribal sheikh. He is a retired colonel in the Jordanian Armed Forces, a former member of the Jordanian House of Representatives, and a current opposition figure among the most prominent Jordanian opposition figures. He founded the Jordanian National Movement. He faced many lawsuits in court and was imprisoned several times. He formed enmities with Jordanian politicians in general and directed direct criticism at the Royal Court and the Hashemite family in general and Queen Rania in particular, accusing her and her family of dominating Jordanians’ money.

He began his career as an officer in the Arab Army, and headed the editorial board of the Police Magazine. He retired in 1987. He won membership in the eleventh and thirteenth Jordanian House of Representatives. Al-Abbadi obtained a doctorate in political and social sciences from the University of Cambridge.