Anis Muhammad Mansour (August 18, 1924 – October 21, 2011), an Egyptian journalist, philosopher and writer. He is famous for his philosophical writing through his publications in which he combined the philosophical style with the modern literary style. Anis Mansour’s literary beginnings were with the Qur’an, where he memorized it at a young age in the village’s Kuttab and had many stories in that book, some of which he told in his book “They Lived in My Life”. He was the first in his secondary school studies among all students in Egypt at the time, then joined the Faculty of Arts at Cairo University by his personal desire in the Department of Philosophy, in which he excelled and obtained a university degree in literature in 1947. He worked as a professor in the same department at Ain Shams University for a period, then devoted himself to writing and journalistic work at Akhbar Al-Youm Foundation.
The most amazing journeys in history
An interesting book by Anis Mansour, takes you on a tour through the strangest and most wonderful journeys undertaken by adventurers and explorers throughout the ages, in an enjoyable style that blends history, adventure and amazement!