Jean Greisch is a contemporary French philosopher, born in Koerich, Luxembourg, in 1942. He studied theology at the Catholic University of Louvain and the University of Innsbruck, Austria, where he became accustomed to theoretical approaches (transcendental, phenomenological) in reading Thomism (Thomas Aquinas) in particular. He then attended the classes of Father Stanislas Breton on Thomas Aquinas in 1969-1970 at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Catholic Institute of Paris, where he would later teach. He also attended the classes of Father Dominique Dubarle on Hegel’s philosophy. He attended Paul Ricoeur’s classes when he was running the Laboratory of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, which were classes and lectures on interpretation, metaphor, and the philosophy of action, and were a rich source of material in the many works that Ricoeur wrote, such as “The Living Metaphor” and “From Text to Action.”