Urwah ibn al-Ward
Urwah ibn al-Ward ibn Zayd ibn Umar ibn Abdullah ibn Nashab ibn Huraym al-Absi, born 540 AD (died 15 BC/607 AD), a poet from Abs, one of the poets of the pre-Islamic era, a knight from its knights, and a vagabond from its counted, distinguished, and generous vagabonds. He used to steal to feed the poor and be kind to them. He was nicknamed Urwa al-Sa’alik because he gathered them and took care of them if they failed in their raids and had no livelihood or purpose. It was said: Rather, Urwa was nicknamed al-Sa’alik because he said:

May God bless the vagabond who, when his night falls, gathers the ranks of the trenches, each slaughtering place.

He counts the wealth of his time, every night he finds its villages from a well-off friend.

By God, he is a vagabond with a smooth face like the light of a shining meteor.