“is a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. It is a rational and critical inquiry that reflects on its own methods and assumptions.
Historically, many of the individual sciences, such as physics and psychology, formed part of philosophy. However, they are considered separate academic disciplines in the modern sense of the term. Influential traditions in the history of philosophy include Western, Arabic–Persian, Indian, and Chinese philosophy. Western philosophy originated in Ancient Greece and covers a wide area of philosophical subfields. A central topic in Arabic–Persian philosophy is the relation between reason and revelation. Indian philosophy combines the spiritual problem of how to reach enlightenment with the exploration of the nature of reality and the ways of arriving at knowledge. Chinese philosophy focuses principally on practical issues in relation to right social conduct, government, and self-cultivation.”
55 Love Problems
Book 55 The Problem of Love is a book written by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud in which he talked about some of the diseases that heal speech such as diseases of the soul and torments of conscience is not speech in the sense of sermons, but Najwa man for himself may push him to shed a comfortable tear or laugh bitter be all healing. Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud presents 55 of the problems of readers with their solution, some of these problems may make you cry and some of them provoke laughter
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A conversation with an atheist friend
Interview with my atheist friend A book written by the philosopher and doctor Mustafa Mahmoud, published in 1986, in which he responds to questions by atheists about the Islamic religion, and about material questions that the human mind may ask at some point
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A tear and a smile
Gibran’s literary style was characterized by smooth words, simplicity of expression, the use of all linguistic formulas and styles, and the frequent use of metaphors and figures of speech. Perhaps the most important feature of Gibran’s literary works is creativity in the art of photography. We find many beautiful, imaginative artistic images full of deep meanings and expressions covering his literary works; because he was an artist and painter who initially depicted the idea and then created it. Gibran relied on two styles in his literary works: the first is characterized by strength and revolution against beliefs and customs and the call for freedom, and the second is characterized by the love of enjoying life and the call to follow inclinations
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A Window on the Unseen
It reviews the dialectic of imagination and spiritual knowledge in the philosophy of Sufism and rational thought, focusing on self-knowledge and ways of communicating with the unseen.
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Al-Kindi’s Book to Al-Mu’tasim Billah on First Philosophy
A book that presents Al-Kindi’s ideas about philosophy and its relationship to religion and reason, while emphasizing the value of knowledge and rational contemplation.
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In the course of an intellectual journey, Mustafa Mahmoud takes us to man’s perception of God’s self and how it was: in Islam, in worship since the dawn of history, among scholars and intellectuals, and among those who denied it. A journey of reflection for those who have realized that self with their souls to strengthen it with their mind and mind. It’s a journey of reflection and reflection that is worth going.
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Anichatin and relativity
In this book, its author, Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, tries in his style known as ease and extreme logic in understanding the theory of relativity of the physicist Albert Einstein so that it suits the understanding and perception of the general public, and in a strong objection to limiting information to a few scientists under the pretext of depth and specialization, which may lead to the isolation of science, supporting in his book what Einstein himself called for to spread science among people, Einstein hated scientific fortune-telling and fabrication of mystery, claim, and magnification, and he used to say that the truth Never mind.
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Being and nothingness
The Book of Being and Nothingness is a book written by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud in which he talks about that all causes belong to God. He owns it. He is the one who brings it, he is the one who drives it, and he is the one who harnesses it. He is the one who established the law of causation
Reasons do not harm themselves and do not benefit themselves. But it is in all cases a manifestation of His will that harms His ear and benefits His permission. And if he wishes, he will cause damage to it or without it. And if he wishes, he will stop it from doing as he stopped the fire from burning Abraham – peace be upon him
There is always wisdom behind prevention, giving, guidance, and delusion. God’s will and guidance are always based on decency and readiness in the servant. The slave has the initiatives, the clearance of intention and the orientation that nominates him for giving or deprivation. God’s giving is conditional. Also, deprivation is reasoned and not coercive, coercive and arbitrary.
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Brides of the Meadow
Gibran’s literary style was characterized by smooth words, simplicity of expression, the use of all linguistic formulas and styles, and the frequent use of metaphors and figures of speech. Perhaps the most important feature of Gibran’s literary works is creativity in the art of photography. We find many beautiful, imaginative artistic images full of deep meanings and expressions covering his literary works; because he was an artist and painter who initially depicted the idea and then created it. Gibran relied on two styles in his literary works: the first is characterized by strength and revolution against beliefs and customs and the call for freedom, and the second is characterized by the love of enjoying life and the call to follow inclinations
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Circles of Fear
It discusses the impact of fear of change on Arab and Islamic thought and how this fear hinders intellectual and scientific progress.
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Crazy parades
Gibran’s literary style was characterized by smooth words, simplicity of expression, the use of all linguistic formulas and styles, and the frequent use of metaphors and figures of speech. Perhaps the most important feature of Gibran’s literary works is creativity in the art of photography. We find many beautiful, imaginative artistic images full of deep meanings and expressions covering his literary works; because he was an artist and painter who initially depicted the idea and then created it. Gibran relied on two styles in his literary works: the first is characterized by strength and revolution against beliefs and customs and the call for freedom, and the second is characterized by the love of enjoying life and the call to follow inclinations
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Crime and Punishment in Two Parts
A novel that explores the depths of the human soul, reviewing an existential moral conflict between conscience and crime through the story of a poor student who commits a murder.
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Crime Tenderness
The novel of Dr. Majd Marwan Andraos realized with the days that the end has a beginning, the end does not come all at once, but either it comes as a beautiful color that an artist began to add to draw the end on his painting, enjoying the calmness and careful paper sprayed touch after touch lightly adds to the painting life, or it comes like a cancer that spreads in a lean body in the end stages, so that is the beginning of the end for this body.
Careful comes the end, as if in her patience gives us enjoyment. Or get ready!$7.00 -
Death Mystery
The Mystery of Death is a book by Mustafa Mahmoud in which he discusses death through a scientific and philosophical vision, and believes that death and life are two sides of the same coin, we die every day, as millions of cells die inside our bodies without us feeling them, and this is called the smallest death, and the book is divided into chapters such as the puzzle, the thread, time and the soul.
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The Book of Dreams is one of the most famous books of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud. It is an interesting and interesting book, which began with dreams and their interpretation from a purely philosophical point of view, with a scientific presentation characterized by ease, mastery and high quality.
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Dreams between science and reality
The book of dreams between science and belief is one of the works of the Iraqi researcher Dr. Ali Al-Wardi. The book discusses dreams in terms of their impact on people’s beliefs and customs and the theories that modern science has reached in this regard. The book consists of three sections, and these sections are in turn divided into several different chapters.
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Eleven Planets
It is an epic poetic meditation in which he evokes the Palestinian Nakba in a deeply symbolic style, mixing nostalgia, sadness, and hope for the restoration of land and identity.
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Excavations in the Khaldunian Discourse
It is an analytical study of Ibn Khaldun’s thought, focusing on rooting his concepts about history, society and economics by delving into his speeches and writings to understand their dimensions and contemporary influences.
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Gibran Khalil Gibran Complete Works Two Parts
It is a collection that includes the most prominent works of the Lebanese writer and philosopher Gibran Khalil Gibran, where he moves between poetry and prose in his deep style full of wisdom and spiritual contemplations.