Tongue and Balance or Mental Multiplication
In this century, the science of logic and the science of language have achieved a level of development in their methods and results, an accuracy and breadth that we find no parallel in their long history, due to the entry of these two sciences into the duality of mathematics. It is no secret that the Arab reader today is in greater need of knowing the overlap between these three sciences than he is of knowing each one of them separately.
$17.00 -
Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights
A book that blends fiction and nonfiction to explore issues of religion, identity and human conflict
$12.00 -
Under the Wheel
It is a novel that explores the suffering of a young man in a stressful society searching for himself and his personal orientations, where he faces a conflict between his individual ambitions and the demands of social life.
$7.00 -
Underground Notes
It is a short contemplative novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky that reviews the internal conflict of an isolated character, oscillating between anger and sarcasm, and presents a philosophical view of human nature and freedom.
$6.00 -
White Nights
It is the story of a lonely man in St. Petersburg who falls in love with a mysterious woman, torn between hope and despair in a world full of loneliness and conflicting emotions.
$6.00 -
الرومي: نار العشق
من أبرز الكتب في الأدب الصوفي والفلسفة الروحية حول حياة وافكار جلال الدين الرومي
$12.00 -
الوجود والزمان في الخطاب الصوفي عند محيي الدين ابن عربي
من ابرز الكتب في الفلسفة الصوفية التي تتناول مفاهيم الوجود والزمان في فكر محي الدين ابن عربي
$22.00 -
جلال الدين الرومي صائغ النفوس
من ابرز كتب الأدب الصوفي والفلسفة الروحية التي تتناول أفكار جلال الدين الرومي حول التحول الداخلي والنقاء الروحي
$11.00 -
ديوان الحلاج ويليه كتاب الطواسين
من ابرز كتب الأدب الصوفي والفكر الفلسفي التي تتناول أشعار وأفكارالحسين بن منصور الحلاج
$11.00 -
غسق الأوثان أو كيف نتعاطى الفلسفة قرعاً بالمطرقة
نقد فلسفي للقيم التقليدية و دعوة لإعادة تقييمها بقوة
$7.00 -