Enjoy your life


It is a book that provides practical advice to improve the quality of life by enhancing happiness, positivity and getting closer to God.

Enjoy your life book by Muhammad Al-Arifi .. The art of dealing with people in the light of the Prophet’s biography, the result of research, courses and memories of more than twenty years Smile .. Smile .. Smile I have known him for years .. He is one of my colleagues at work .. Anyway ..
But do you believe that until now I do not know whether he has teeth or not!! Always frowning .. and scowling .. As if if he smiles his age decreases .. or his money decreases!! Jarir bin Abdullah Al-Bajali said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, never saw me except that he smiled at me. Smiling has types and levels. One of them is constant cheerfulness. Your face should always be cheerful and happy. If you were a teacher and you entered the classroom to your students, then greet them with a cheerful face. You got on a plane and walked in the corridor while people were looking at you. Be cheerful. You entered a grocery store or a gas station. You handed him the bill. You smiled. In the council. A person entered and greeted him in a loud voice. He looked at those sitting there. He smiled. You entered a group and shook hands with them. You smiled. A smile has a great effect in absorbing anger, doubt and hesitation, which no one else can share. The hero is the one who can overcome his emotions and smile. Anas bin Malik was walking with the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, one day. The Prophet was wearing a thick-bordered Najrani cloak. A Bedouin caught up with them. This Bedouin ran after the Prophet, wanting to catch up with him. When he got close to him, he pulled his cloak hard. The cloak moved violently around the neck of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Anas said: Until I looked at the side of the shoulder of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. The edge of the cloak had left a mark on it from the severity of his pulling. What does this man want?! Perhaps his house is burning and he has come seeking help. Or they have been surrounded by a raid by the polytheists. Listen to what he wants. He said: O Muhammad. (Note that he did not say: O Messenger of Allah). He said: O Muhammad.. Order for me from the money of Allah that you have.. So the Messenger of Allah turned around.. then laughed.. then ordered him to be given a gift. Yes.. He was a hero who was not provoked by such actions.. nor did he punish or lose his temper over trivial matters. He was generous.. strong and controlled his nerves.. always smiling even in the darkest of circumstances.. He thought of the consequences of things before he did them.. And what would be the benefit if he shouted at the man or expelled him! Would the wound on his neck heal! Or would the man’s manners improve! No.. So it is not like patience and endurance.. Yes, some things make us angry and upset.. And treating them is something else entirely..



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