The Brothers Karamazov Four Parts


A novel that deals with deep family and philosophical conflicts, focusing on issues of faith, morality and human freedom.

This novel is considered the last novel by the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, as he decided after the death of his son Alexei from an epileptic fit to look for a way out of his tragedy. This way out was nothing but a huge work with which to end his literary life – and he died leaving his end open – so he decided in December 1877 to stop doing anything but writing. He was interested in collecting notes and memoirs that would be the material for his new novel. He says: In March 1878, I imagined and would soon start a big novel with many children among the other characters. He opened his notebook for this research by finding out the possibility of lying on the railway while a train passes over you at full speed. Thus, within three years, the novel Karamazov came into existence. Dostoevsky wanted nothing more than to shake up all the stagnant ponds with this seemingly simple work, but it is the simplicity that storms your thinking and makes him confront Dostoevsky’s thought with a clear challenge. He said, challenging his readers, “As for me, I have done nothing in my life except push myself to the limit that you dared to push only halfway.” No We can ignore that The Brothers Karamazov is not an ordinary novel, but rather one of the most controversial and influential global novels in the second half of the nineteenth century, and even in world literature as a whole throughout history. It was met with much explanation, analysis and criticism, and it is not surprising that Sigmund Freud provided a French translation of it, explaining Dostoevsky’s character before explaining the novel itself psychologically.



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