The Compendium of Arabic Lessons


It is a comprehensive reference in Arabic grammar, providing a detailed explanation of the principles of grammar and morphology in a simple and clear style.

The author “Mustafa Al-Ghalayini” is a poet and a writer and orator, he was a member of the Arab scientific community, so his book “The Compendium of Arabic Lessons” was important because it collected in it the rules of morphology and syntax that a writer cannot afford to be ignorant of, and that those who want to expand in Arabic grammar cannot overlook, because it includes what its need calls for in terms of rules and benefits. It was a comprehensive and correct book, sufficient for writers, teachers’ colleges, and students of higher classes.

The book, in its three parts, includes an introduction, twelve chapters, and a conclusion. The introduction covers various topics: Chapter One: Verb and its types; Chapter Two: Noun and its types; Chapter Three: Verb declension (which are the topics of the first part); Chapter Four: Noun declension; Chapter Five: Common declension between verbs and nouns; Chapter Six: Verb declension (which are the topics of the second part); Chapter Seven: Noun declension (which are the topics of the second part); Chapter Eight: Nominatives (which are the topics of the second part); Chapter Nine: Nominatives (which are the topics of the second part); Chapter Ten: Dependents and declension (which are the topics of the third part); Chapter Eleven: Dependents and declension (which are the topics of the third part).

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