Gibran Khalil Gibran Complete Works Two Parts


It is a collection that includes the most prominent works of the Lebanese writer and philosopher Gibran Khalil Gibran, where he moves between poetry and prose in his deep style full of wisdom and spiritual contemplations.

Who among us did not read in school, in elementary grades or during summer vacations, Gibran’s works: Broken Wings or Rebellious Spirits? Many used to mock Gibran’s ambiguity in some of his phrases such as “the howling of the abyss”, and his stirring up of natural factors and storms that instill terror in souls… But Gibran’s works are not limited to these two novels, and he is not a writer for children’s readers, but rather a unique innovator, who loaded his words with wisdom from ancient times, from the era of Ad; and in his writings there is a poetic touch, a musical impact, attractive images and ideas that invite the reader to discover a new world in the folds of the old familiar. Therefore, it is necessary to read Gibran and return to him.

Here we have collected the works of this genius in the two languages ​​in which he expressed his ideas: the Arabic language in which he was an innovator, and the language of the country that hosted him, English, in which he soared with his Lebanese nature, without studying it, but rather by maintaining an old style of writing that had become unfamiliar, so his genius decided to innovate in Arabic, and “old” in English… until he distinguished himself in both. The idea of ​​collecting all of Gibran’s writings in one volume, Arabic and English, aimed to give the Arab reader who reads both languages ​​the opportunity to return to Gibran in the original, without the mediation of an Arabizer, and with ease, within reach of him, and many local readers savor both languages.

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