Excavations in the Khaldunian Discourse


It is an analytical study of Ibn Khaldun’s thought, focusing on rooting his concepts about history, society and economics by delving into his speeches and writings to understand their dimensions and contemporary influences.

Another book about Ibn Khaldun? Yes! But it is not like the books written about him in the East and the West, whether in Arabic or in foreign languages. Rather, he abrogates them, if abrogate has a meaning in this regard, or rather, he rejects them in the same way that Islam rejects what came before it. He is not like the many books and studies that saw Ibn Khaldun as a modernist thinker or a herald of modernity or a detractor of it, and saw him as a distinguished historian with his penetrating view in an age of imitation and regurgitation…..
“Perhaps if we consider the Khaldunian text a unique moral center of gravity in the contemporary Arab discourse, we will not be wrong, given its distinguished position in the debate surrounding heritage and modernity. It is one of the few texts that succeeded in overturning its “historicity” and joining this or that contemporary thesis, to perform the function of the “authentic heritage justification” that allows it to claim historical legitimacy. The Khaldunian text has been subjected to many readings, and understood based on different ideological references, which has obscured – or almost obscured – its own semantic rights and the quality of its regularity in the conflict of the different cognitive choices that Islamic thought witnessed in the past, and in return, meanings have been attributed to it that bring it closer to the borders of Arab modernity and its problematic conditions with symmetrical dualities, and these are meanings produced by modernist readings, issued from a crisis-ridden Arab-Islamic consciousness that was confused by imported modernity, so it began to search for a heritage text to protect itself from this newcomer and from the danger of its hegemony, thus presenting a new indicator of its crisis, which is the ideological employment of heritage. The increasing presence of the Khaldunian text today, in the modernist Arab discourse, cannot be understood except by the continued dominance of traditional starting points in reading and interpretation, which are The starting points are based on the fact that the true meaning in the text is what the reader extracts from it, and there is no consideration for the semantic function performed by the structure of a specific formation, so we ignore a historical fact.

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