The Book of Being and Nothingness is a book written by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud in which he talks about that all causes belong to God. He owns it. He is the one who brings it, he is the one who drives it, and he is the one who harnesses it. He is the one who established the law of causation
Reasons do not harm themselves and do not benefit themselves. But it is in all cases a manifestation of His will that harms His ear and benefits His permission. And if he wishes, he will cause damage to it or without it. And if he wishes, he will stop it from doing as he stopped the fire from burning Abraham – peace be upon him
There is always wisdom behind prevention, giving, guidance, and delusion. God’s will and guidance are always based on decency and readiness in the servant. The slave has the initiatives, the clearance of intention and the orientation that nominates him for giving or deprivation. God’s giving is conditional. Also, deprivation is reasoned and not coercive, coercive and arbitrary.
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