The Wrestlers of the Oppressors


A book that reviews, through Quranic interpretation, the stories and events of the downfall of oppressors in history and shows the lesson and admonition in confronting tyranny.

The book The Wrestlers of the Oppressors by Zaghloul El-Naggar reviews the Holy Quran a number of previous nations that disbelieved in the messages of their Lord, resisted the calls of His prophets, denied the Hereafter, corrupted the earth and were extremely arrogant, so Allah the Almighty sent down upon each of them His worldly punishment of destruction and threatened them with the torment of the Hereafter, which is more severe and shameful. All of this was sent down fourteen hundred years ago upon an illiterate Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a nation whose overwhelming majority were illiterate, so where did he get these details from if it was not a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds?



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