Diwan of Al-Nabigha Al-Dhubyani


Diwan Al-Nabigha Al-Dhubyani is characterized by pride, wisdom, and flirting, and is considered one of the most important collections of pre-Islamic poetry that reflects the features of chivalry and courage in that era.

Ziyad bin Muawiyah bin Dhubab bin Jaber bin Yarbu bin Ghayth bin Murrah bin Auf bin Saad bin Dhubyan bin Bagheeth bin Rayth bin Ghatafan, Abu Umamah.
Bani Murrah bin Auf are the people of Al-Nabigha. Their lineage goes back to Murrah bin Auf bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kinanah bin Khuzaymah, from the Quraysh tribe of Banu Kinanah, but Auf bin Luay left his people and joined Banu Dhubyan Al-Ghatafani and claimed descent from Saad bin Dhubyan.
Al-Nabigha was given this title because he excelled in poetry, i.e. he was creative in poetry all at once. Critics differed in explaining and interpreting it. As for Ibn Qutaybah, he mentions that he was given this title because he said: And settled in Banu Al-Qain bin Jisr – for affairs have excelled for them from us. Ibn Qutaybah attributed this title to their saying: “And he excelled – in poetry – he said it after he had become engrossed and perished before he was destroyed.”
In Al-Baghdadi’s opinion, this title was given to him because he did not compose poetry until he became a man.

Perhaps the title was a metaphor, as the Arabs say: the dove is a genius, if it sends out its voice in singing, and the water is a gushing if it is abundant.
It was said: the poet is a genius, and the poet is a nabigha, if the material of his poetry is abundant and plentiful.
Nothing is known about the poet’s upbringing before his connection to the court, except for what the author of Al-Rawa’i quoted from the orientalist De Perceval, about the rivalry of Al-Nabigha with Hatim Al-Ta’i over Mawiyah, and his failure to do so.

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