Flying biography less of an enemy more of a friend


It is a literary work that combines autobiography and cultural analysis, as the writer provides a deep look at the transformations in human and social relations.

This (flying biography) forms part of his creative and human biography and the impact that travel left on his poetic and novelistic writing, and his dialogues about hot Arab issues and the Palestinian cause and the deep human image of Arab civilization with the European public and with European intellectuals between 1985 and 2005, crossing with this book also the most important joints of contemporary Arab history since the year of the Palestinian Nakba until today from the book: Perhaps no one will be able to imagine how a people can start life again, after being stripped of its land, field, sky, streets, farms, cities, coasts, cars, ships, factories, newspapers, schools, cafes, playgrounds, trains, airports, goats, cows, donkeys and horses, and what covers its soul from dreams and its body from clothes, how can it start again from this great zero and overcome these great ordeals and be able to establish a new life, dreams and memory in the future, and transform the idea of ​​returning to its homeland into Doctrine. Perhaps this is the miracle of the people who were crushed by the wars of their brothers as well as the wars of their enemies.



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