He likens repression to a pot that is filled to the brim and placed on the fire, which will eventually explode, or a river that has become blocked, which will overflow into the sides in chaos, destroying everything around it. Freud believes that repression is due – as are all psychological disorders – to sexual pressures or sexual deprivation. Freud believes that human sexual activity does not begin after puberty as is commonly believed, but rather begins with birth like all other instincts, but it only grows and transforms until it becomes what it is at puberty. In his next article, the writer talked about a group of sexual deviations caused by repression. He talked about homosexuality and some of its cases and manifestations such as sadism and masochism, and he differentiated between the two types. The first is the love of practicing sexual violence against the other party, and the second is the love of being subjected to sexual violence by the other party. He elaborated on explaining cases that indicate the validity of his conclusions.
It deals with the impact of psychological repression on human behavior, explaining how socially unacceptable desires and feelings are repressed in the subconscious.
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