Sufism and Sufis

By (author)Abdullah Hussein


It presents a comprehensive study of the origins of Islamic Sufism, its historical development, and its spiritual concepts, with a focus on the prominent Sufis and their influence on thought and society.

But what is the image if the meaning comes?” This is how “Jalaluddin Rumi” tells us about the belief that makes the path of true perception from the heart, and complete knowledge of the divine self through complete self-denial and unity with the world. It is a belief that sets no limits on closeness to heaven, for your position is from the position of your state, and your state is the state of your worship and asceticism. Thus, Sufism creates for us a luminous world in dealing with God, mixing awe with familiarity; and love with reverence, making worship an act of love, not an act of command. Despite what may be disputed about Sufi beliefs and methods, they remain in essence a spiritual spark that many Islamic scholars have adopted, leaving us a valuable legacy that “Abdullah Hussein” wanted to inform us of in a study that is considered a simplified introduction to Sufi thought and its figures.

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