The Wonderful Adventures of Nils

By (author)Selma Lagerlöf


A book full of fantasy and exciting adventures, as Nilza embarks on an unexpected journey to discover new worlds and face challenges that are full of excitement and courage.

As a result of her attempt to appear, the adventures of the wonderful Nils, which were published in 1907, revolve around a mischievous boy named Nils who hated animals and tortured them, so the forest dwarf punished him by turning him into a small dwarf, which prompted him to start his journey among the animals in the forest after he was able to understand their speech, communicate with them, hear their opinions and ideas, and move everywhere freely, and during these enjoyable adventures get to know the nature and geography of the land and the popular legends of Sweden and everything that a child can learn through these adventures. This novel turned into a creation that was translated into more than 30 languages ​​and was a turning point in the life of this Swedish writer who won the Nobel Prize in 1909 in recognition of her talents and efforts in literature and education. In a press interview, the French writer and novelist Michel Tournier was asked: Through which magic door did literature enter your life? He replied: From the book of the Swedish novelist Selma Lagerlöf, Nils’s Wonderful Journey through Sweden, which is a geography book she wrote for children and for which she won the Nobel Prize and international fame in 1909. I was no more than fourteen years old when I read it and I was amazed by its magical atmosphere. I have always loved magic and its stories, but not just any stories, but the intelligent magic that lights the reader’s path and enlightens his mind. Therefore, I was never fascinated by the story of Cinderella and the pumpkin that the good fairy turns into a royal carriage, but I loved Nils’ wonderful journey. The issue of educating children and searching for the best international curricula to reach what attracts them and allows communication with them is still a global issue that has not found a solution that is compatible with the era and its developments, while the writer Salma, at the beginning of her life and after working in the teaching profession for more than ten years, was able to accept the challenge, so she took three years of her life to travel on a special adventure, roaming her country and searching in nature and geography and hearing everything that is said about popular legends in order to convey them in a nice story, which may seem smaller in size than expected, but it is of greater value and ability to become an educational curriculum that achieves the required communication between the child and the book, and between the child and education itself.

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