Under the Wheel
It is a novel that explores the suffering of a young man in a stressful society searching for himself and his personal orientations, where he faces a conflict between his individual ambitions and the demands of social life.
$7.00 -
Underground Notes
It is a short contemplative novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky that reviews the internal conflict of an isolated character, oscillating between anger and sarcasm, and presents a philosophical view of human nature and freedom.
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Veronica decides to die
Veronica Decides to Die A 1998 novel by Paulo Coelho, which revolves around the issue of enjoying emotions, and was inspired by his personal experience in mental hospitals, which he has already been admitted to more than once
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It is a collection of poetry that sheds light on the themes of love, homeland, and freedom, in a distinctive style that reflects internal conflict and loss, and is considered one of his most prominent works in which human feelings merge with issues of resistance.
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What’s left is yours
Ghassan Kanafani is a Palestinian novelist, storyteller, and journalist, and is considered one of the most famous Arab writers and journalists in the twentieth century. His literary works, including novels and short stories, were deeply rooted in Arab and Palestinian culture
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White Nights
It is the story of a lonely man in St. Petersburg who falls in love with a mysterious woman, torn between hope and despair in a world full of loneliness and conflicting emotions.
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Why did you leave the horse alone?
A poem that addresses existential and sad questions, as the poet contemplates abandonment and emptiness, and conjures up the image of the horse as a symbol of loneliness and loss.
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Women and sex
It is a book by the Egyptian novelist and writer Nawal El Saadawi, and it achieved great success, as its fourth edition was published in 1990. In it, El Saadawi deals with one of the relatively taboo topics in the Arab world, which is women and their relationship with sex.
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This book consists of teachings that I learned from my teacher during our eleven-year relationship, and it contains other texts that are tales and stories told to me by friends and people who left me an unforgettable message, even though I did not meet them more than once. I began to write down the teacher’s words with the utmost precision. Finally, little by little, I found in everything that was happening around me a reason to write Written, and it gave me such richness that today I do not regret that daily task. ((My task was only weaving, I cannot attribute to myself the advantages of cotton and linen)
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Your psychological complexes are your eternal prison
The book, Your Psychological Complexes, Your Eternal Prison, written by Dr. Youssef Hassan… If you are not ready to face your reality, and if you are running away from yourself and avoiding confronting yourself, then this book is not for you! In this book, you will discover many things and facts that will shock you and that you thought were part of life’s postulates. This book will address many bold and realistic matters in our Arab societies that have not been discussed in detail before, and it will be enough to cause a bout of awareness in you.
$10.00 -
الأوغاد يضحكون
رواية تسلط الضوء على الفساد الإجتماعي والسياسي عبر شخصيات معقدة وسخرية لاذعة
$8.00 -
على صفحات “الخيمة” تنزلق عيناك متابعة الكلمات التي تشعر وكأن أذناك تلتقطها. عبارات وكلمات نابية وغير نابية تسمعها وتروح مع محمد شكري عبر عالمه المغرق في الواقعية لتتعرف على أزقة وأسواق وحانات ونساء مغربيات، فقر مدقع، وروائح، وهيئات، وحالات لم يكتف محمد شكري على عادته بإشباعها وصفاً، بل هو بطريقة أو بأخرى امتد إلى دواخلها فكشف عنها… هي واقعيّة التي اختارها لأعماله الأدبية لم تمتد إليها يد الخيال، وكأن الواقع الأليم، الجوع، الخوف، القهر، الفقر والخيبة والفشل أفزعا الخيال فلاذ بالفرار
$7.00 -
الرومي: نار العشق
من أبرز الكتب في الأدب الصوفي والفلسفة الروحية حول حياة وافكار جلال الدين الرومي
$12.00 -
الوجود والزمان في الخطاب الصوفي عند محيي الدين ابن عربي
من ابرز الكتب في الفلسفة الصوفية التي تتناول مفاهيم الوجود والزمان في فكر محي الدين ابن عربي
$22.00 -
جلال الدين الرومي صائغ النفوس
من ابرز كتب الأدب الصوفي والفلسفة الروحية التي تتناول أفكار جلال الدين الرومي حول التحول الداخلي والنقاء الروحي
$11.00 -
ديوان الحلاج ويليه كتاب الطواسين
من ابرز كتب الأدب الصوفي والفكر الفلسفي التي تتناول أشعار وأفكارالحسين بن منصور الحلاج
$11.00 -
غسق الأوثان أو كيف نتعاطى الفلسفة قرعاً بالمطرقة
نقد فلسفي للقيم التقليدية و دعوة لإعادة تقييمها بقوة
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