Linguistics is the scientific study of language. The areas of linguistic analysis are syntax (rules governing the structure of sentences), semantics (meaning), morphology (structure of words), phonetics (speech sounds and equivalent gestures in sign languages), phonology (the abstract sound system of a particular language), and pragmatics (how the context of use contributes to meaning). Subdisciplines such as biolinguistics (the study of the biological variables and evolution of language) and psycholinguistics (the study of psychological factors in human language) bridge many of these divisions
Clear Grammar in Arabic Grammar Rules – for the elementary stage
A simplified educational book that presents grammar rules in a smooth style and practical examples suitable for children.
$10.00 -
Clear Grammar in Arabic Grammar Rules for Secondary School
A simplified educational book that presents grammar rules in a smooth style and practical examples suitable for children.
$10.00 -
Humor and domestication in Majun Abi Nawas
The book of humor and itinas in Majoun Abi Nawas and some of its contradictions with the poets in Qom Abu Nuwas. It is due to the fame of Abu Nawas in the durability of poetry and his ability to cast meanings and art in all its poetic places, whether it is praise, satire or asceticism and so on, and what I know of people’s eagerness and their interest in reading his poems
However, his book has been printed recently free of the door of the Majun to complete the interest has determined to print this section separately so as not to isolate from the sightings something of the systems of this poet, who testified to him thanks to the greatest imams, writers and critics$18.00 -
Tongue and Balance or Mental Multiplication
In this century, the science of logic and the science of language have achieved a level of development in their methods and results, an accuracy and breadth that we find no parallel in their long history, due to the entry of these two sciences into the duality of mathematics. It is no secret that the Arab reader today is in greater need of knowing the overlap between these three sciences than he is of knowing each one of them separately.