Myth is a genre of folklore consisting primarily of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society. For scholars, this is very different from the vernacular usage of the term “myth” that refers to a belief that is not true. Instead, the veracity of a myth is not a defining criterion.[1]
Myths are often endorsed by secular and religious authorities and are closely linked to religion or spirituality.[2] Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together, considering myths and legends to be factual accounts of their remote past.[6] In particular, creation myths take place in a primordial age when the world had not achieved its later form.[10] Origin myths explain how a society’s customs, institutions, and taboos were established and sanctified.[2][8] National myths are narratives about a nation’s past that symbolize the nation’s values. There is a complex relationship between recital of myths and the enactment of rituals.
Biography of the Hijazi Arabs
Deals with the book of the biography of the Arabs Hijazi words of the Arabs Hijazi and knights Crescent best sayings and articulated and created meanings and envelopes, has collected this book systems useful and beauties strange nice, and apply it book words cute in the journey of the Arabs and war Zanati Khalifa has been arranged on the meanings and poems, and messages and news to enjoy every listener and listen to him listeners.